Welcome to Digital Calvin and Hobbes, formerly known as Calvin and Hobbes – Resurrected. It’s still a work in progress, but hopefully most of the features from the Calvin and Hobbes – Resurrected will be implemented. I know for a fact that some of them won’t, but there will be new features too, so all in all I think we’ll all be better off. Currently the most important features are the create-a-strip that let you create Calvin and Hobbes cartoons, and the games. The forums are also becoming increasingly popular, and you can use them to discuss anything related to Calvin and Hobbes.
The rules on this site are few and simple.No swearing or lewdness allowedNo namecalling in the forums or the strips (the usual Calvin vs Hobbes child-friendly name calling is allowed)No personal messages in the strips, please. It’s more entertaining for everyone if the strips are generally funny.Keep the violence in the strips under control. Hobbes pouncing Calvin and the two having fights is ok. Killing the babysitter is not. Transporting her in time back to the dinosaurs and such is ok.If anyone starts namecalling or harassing in the forums: DO NOT REPLY. That would only spur the perpetrator on. By denying him/her the desired result (making a fuzz and upsetting others) he/she will go elsewhere.NO SPAMMING! This goes for the forums AND for the strips. If you have a C&H site, add the link to the link section. Links to specific pages on sites may be OK if they are relevant to the forum and the topic being discussed. |
If you are a Calvin and Hobbes “Veteran” on the Internet you might recognize the name. There are lots of Calvin and Hobbes web sites out there, but Digital Calvin and Hobbes was among the first ones.
How can it be, you might ask. You have never seen this site before! I’ll tell you how: Around 1995 I started a site called “Digital Calvin and Hobbes”, with the very first version of the create-a-strip. I made it as an exercise in HTML and CGI programming on college. It was “back in the days” when HTML was becoming “public knowledge”. We used the first versions of Mozilla, and Google was yet to come. We searched using the “gopher” protocol. Background colors on the pages could not be changed because there was no tag for it, and tables had to be handcrafted carefully.

Anyway, having discovered Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson just a few years earlier I thought making a site about them would be fun. From that the site called Digital Calvin and Hobbes was born. It became very popular, and the site was neck and neck competing with a fan site for Eva Herzigova to bring the most load to the server. Calvin drawing a couple hundred more hits one week, Eva Herzigova a step ahead the next. Think about that. A small site about two cartoon characters drew as many visitors as a site about an almost nude supermodel!
Having the unique create-a-strip (or strip-maker” as it was called then) it didn’t take long before it drew attention, and I was interviewed about it on national radio in ’96. It passed more than 10.000 cartoon strips within the first year, but not too long into 1997 the disk on the server crashed and the site was down for quite a while. Later I learned to program in a new language, and I made a new version, this time as an exercise in Lotus Domino application programming. That was to become the site many of you have known for the last five years as “Calvin and Hobbes – Resurrected”. This site passed 10.000 cartoon strips too, and was up until January 1st 2007 archived at http://old.calvin-and-hobbes.org. January 1st the hard drive on that server died, and being a low-budget site there was no room for backup (how stupid was it to play that game), and certainly no economic room for any recovery. I still have the disk, though, so if funds allow or recovery at a later time, it’s still a chance. (That’s what the donate-button up top is for)
Now it is up to all of you to help bringing the count up above 10.000 cartoon strips yet again! So, bring out the Watterson within yourself and create some Calvin and Hobbes comics. It cal be about Calvin and Hobbes, Spiff, Stupendous Man, Tracer Bullet or perhaps you have a couple of characters that even Bill Watterson didn’t think of yet?
If you need inspiration first, read some of the strips in the archive, or get your paws on one (or more) of the Calvin and Hobbes books available.You can even find a link to them to the right of this very text.